Month: June 2023

Internet Gaming

Personally, I just haven’t had a good experience playing online at all. That’s on me, I’m playing a boardgame with maps, while most of the others are ‘acting’ roles and have forgotten to move on the board altogether. As a DM, I try to offer both stage-like moments to accept the game-hook, transitional moments for […]

Looking For Title

[SPOILER] Cleaning up and looking for a title: “A Time For Ice” “Icy Errand”“Ship” “Pyramid cap” “Mummy” “Spacegirl” “Fungi” “Race” “Glacier”? -I am working on a scenario design that I thought of [’20 during convalescence]: mystery based on a glacier, The team must a) stop a madman; b) secure the macguffin; c) collect items from […]

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