d'Arsenale Gaming

Solve. Survive. Salvage. Score. Swap.

Choose two.

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Play by Post 2e

In terms of in-game posting frequency (cycle), I suggest that player post their character’s actions and activities occur at least once every week. So, once the game starts players will be expected to post their character actions/response within a two hour window to complete the post cycle. Talking out what you want as a group […]

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LFG Looking For Game

Game stores are hard to find these days. That’s where I frequently found a game I can join. tag: #FLGS #LFG I set up a DM account online and I invite nearby (Central-US +/-) players: https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/16957896/into-the-void 1 – ADnD – Salem-town – play witch finders searching for clues in a dreary town in the ‘West […]

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A1 Rus wakes

Memento is to bear in mind, usually serving as a warning: “remember!” Mori is the present tense ‘to die’. Thus, the phrase literally translates as “you must remember death”. Mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur. LOCKED-IN 2017.11.1 The air was wrong – lighter with aromas of fire, food, stale sweat and metal instead of home. […]


WOTC/HASBROIf you “hate” a company, why do you have one on that shelf? I think they are making money by (what editors call) edition churn. They keep many of us old guys, but honestly, grognards write their own material. > Before entering college, my parents showed me a trick. I needed a chemistry book. We […]


I am OSR because I resist the idea that good/evil doesn’t matter. My monsters remain monsters, not half-monsters that can be ‘good’ (i.e. a monster in the FF or MM cannot be a PC). My players and/or party must remain Tolkien-esque. Orcs are bad. Elves are good. My heroes are heroic, not flawed. The party […]

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